DisabledTravelers.com Travel Blog
Interesting information, reviews, and pictures in the world of accessible travel…Disabled Travelers Australia Series: Canberra
Posted July 12th, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel, helpful information, hotel reviews, restaurant reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsWelcome back to Disabled Travelers!
We have been wandering around the Australian outback for a few posts now, and it is time to check out accessibility in some great cities.
Sydney may be the most famous, but the capital of Australia is actually Canberra, in the southeast corner of the continent.
Called the “Bush Capital” for its lush greenery and wide-open public spaces, it has some of the country’s oldest and most distinguished museums and art collections, plus all the historic government sites you would expect from a world capital. [more]
Even More Handicapped Travel Resources for Accessible Hotels
Posted June 30th, 2010 in general news and hotel reviewsHowdy, all!
On today’s Disabled Travelers, a set of new links for finding accessible hotels. Now, in the interest of full disclosure, let me say I’ve just gotten back from a whirlwind trip around Europe and I’m going to need a few days to decompress before we really hit the trail again.
For that reason, just going to share a few things quickly right now, while I take a little vacation from my vacation.
Photos need to be uploaded, packing unpacked, and handwritten notes for future blog posts interpreted! [more]
The City of Lights, Part 3: Accessible Hotels in Paris
Posted May 25th, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel and hotel reviews
The palace of Versailles, former abode of the kings of France
Photo by: Philip MacKenzie (Stock Exchange)
Bonjour! Paris is one of those rare places where one post simply wouldn’t do, and in building our Paris access guides, we’re on our way to a whopping five-part series. Today Disabled Travelers brings you some of the best hotels in Paris in our efforts to ‘get to know” one of the most enthralling historic and cultural cities anywhere in the world. [more]
From the Disabled Travelers Mailbag: Accessible Hotels in Las Vegas
Posted May 19th, 2010 in access guides and hotel reviewsWelcome, travelers!
Today, we take a little breather from our Paris access guides series “City of Lights” to see a lighted city of a very different kind: Las Vegas!
Granted, just about nobody is headed out to Vegas in the summer months, but it’ll be cooling down again before you know it: between November and February the average lows are in the 30s and 40s, with highs in the 60s.
Considering Las Vegas has some of the most famous hotels in the world, I was asked to find out just how many are truly accessible hotels … not to mention the casinos! So, here’s what I was able to turn up. [more]
Si’s Next Adventure: Wheelchair Accessible Travel in Poland, Part 2: Warsaw
Posted May 7th, 2010 in access guides, helpful information, hotel reviews and Wheelchair Accessible Attractions
Lazienski Palace, known as "The Palace on the Water", in Warsaw
Photo by: Robert Parzychowsk (Stock Exchange)
Howdy to all our loyal Disabled Traveler readers!
Last time around, we hit the streets to look at the best access guides for Krakow. As planned, we’re forging ahead to the majestic city of Warsaw, capital of Poland, to continue our journey.
As a reminder, this series is a little precursor to a trip I myself am taking in June, and I’ll be revisiting it to provide first-hand perspectives after I get back to the States.
For today, it’s on to the “phoenix city” to enjoy the wonders of Poland!
Si’s Next Adventure: Wheelchair Accessible Travel in Poland, Part 1: Krakow
Posted May 5th, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel, hotel reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsWelcome back to Disabled Travelers, friends! In our ongoing whirlwind tour of handicapped accessible travel in Scandinavia and Central Europe, we’re following my trail to a new destination today: Poland. This country is known for its exceedingly historic old cities, many of which retain flavor from the Middle Ages and beyond. As we all know, accessibility can be rough in towns that have been standing thousands of years, but we’ll be bold and check out Krakow today, with Warsaw to follow in an upcoming visit. Krakow’s Old Town, in the city center, is so beloved that it’s actually a World Heritage Site: remarkably, it’s the only UNESCO site to encompass a city center. [more]
Si’s Next Adventure: Disabled Access Stockholm
Posted May 3rd, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel, hotel reviews, restaurant reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsGood day to all! As planned, today’s Disabled Travelers blog will visit Stockholm in today’s post as part two of my upcoming European odyssey. The city of Stockholm is home to over 20% of Sweden’s population and is spread across 14 islands on a very wide area. Handicapped travelers might expect some trouble navigating under such conditions, but as the second-most-visited city in all of Scandinavia, Stockholm is a model of modern excellence for travelers of all kinds. [more]
Small Countries Series: Wheelchair Accessible Hotels in Andorra
Posted April 19th, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel and hotel reviewsGood morning, folks! A little while ago when we did access guides for the Spanish and French Pyrenees I promised a post on accessible travel in the Principality of Andorra, but I honestly didn’t know if it would work out. After all, it’s a beautiful country, but there’s not a whole lot of it! But in such a small area, with only about 80,000 people (about nine times less than New York City!) I discovered two things I hadn’t counted on: remarkable diversity (local languages include Catalan, Spanish, French, and Portuguese) and a formidable number of accessible hotels. Let’s check it out! [more]
From the Disabled Travelers Mailbag: Disabled Access Tahoe
Posted March 24th, 2010 in access guides, accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, hotel reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsMorning, everybody! Today’s dip into the mailbag brings us to Lake Tahoe, one of the largest freshwater lakes in North America, and the largest high-altitude “alpine” lake. Bordering the states of California and Nevada, it is a popular destination for water sports, winter sports, and of course, gambling. The Tahoe area is home to a number of great wheelchair accessible hotels and resorts as well as several tour operators and event planners who can help visitors get the most from this natural treasure. [more]
Great News for Finding Wheelchair Accessible Hotels and More
Posted March 8th, 2010 in general news, helpful information and hotel reviewsHello, all! Today on Disabled Travelers we’re taking a little break from our whirlwind tour of accessible Asia to share a little good news closer to the “home front.” Every once in a while I like to take a day off from my wanderings, put it in “park” and check up on items of general interest for handicapped travelers everywhere – and WOW, do I have some interesting news today, so check it out! [more]