DisabledTravelers.com Travel Blog
Interesting information, reviews, and pictures in the world of accessible travel…Disabled Travelers Spring Break Edition 2011
Posted April 1st, 2011 in access guides, general news, helpful information, hotel reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsWelcome one and all to Disabled Travelers, where today we’ll be looking at accessible Spring Break destinations and getaways for wheelchair users and their travel companions.
There’s been an explosion of affordable, accessible rental homes for your vacation needs since Disabled Travelers first came around, and if you’re looking for a week off — like those lucky college students are enjoying right about now — you’ve come to the right place.
Let’s get rolling, folks! [more]
Accessibility in Top Tourist Destinations: Viva Las Vegas
Posted January 14th, 2011 in access guides, Accessible Travel, helpful information and Wheelchair Accessible Attractions
Disabled Travelers is back to take in the Vegas nightlife!
Photo by: Remington Phillips (Stock Exchange)
Hello, everybody!
Hot on the heels of my plan to take a trip to Las Vegas later this year, I thought it was about time we took a close look at Nevada’s “Sin City” for all kinds of travelers.
A good while back, I made a post specifically about accessible hotels in Las Vegas which is a good reference for accommodations.
There’s much more to say, so join me for this full-scale access guide – with follow-up to come in the future! Ante up! [more]
Disabled Travelers’ Wild Winter Weather Tips!
Posted December 31st, 2010 in general news and helpful informationHowdy, all! Say, remember way back a couple of weeks ago when we talked about “enhanced” security screening? At the time, it seemed like this was going to be the big news of the travel season – but that was before the blizzard! Even my very own Surviving the Holiday Rush post could use a boost for “Snowmaggedon,” so here it is.
With wild winter conditions leaving travelers of all stripes stranded on tarmacs or far from destinations, it’s high time to share some tips for those times when weird weather actually changes your travel plans. Disabled travelers and their travel companions will want to hear this! [more]
From the Disabled Travelers Mailbag: Comparing Accessibility: Europe and the U.S.
Posted December 24th, 2010 in helpful information
In many European cities, you won’t have to feel homesick for equal access.
Photo by: Kenn Kiser (Stock Exchange)
Howdy, all!
Today, we’ll be delving into the Disabled Travelers mailbag for the first time in a long while.
Feedback is one of my favorite things, and it always brightens my day to answer a question: luckily, I came back to a couple of doozies after my hiatus!
Spinning off from a question by Rebecca, I’d like to compare accessibility in the U.S. and Europe in a few respects. Let’s roll … [more]
Disabled Travelers’ 2011 Travel Resolutions (Just a Bit Early!)
Posted December 17th, 2010 in general news, helpful information and personalHello, everybody! Are you excited for the holidays yet? I just finished decorating the house, myself, and I’m looking forward to all the excitement of Christmas and New Year.
For most of us, this is a time of reflection where we take stock of what we accomplished and plan for the future.
So, to help encourage all the disabled travelers out there, I’d like to talk about my own “travel resolutions” for this year. I know it’s a bit early, but you can never start too soon if you want a fun and safe trip! [more]
Disabled Travelers Holidays: Are You Going Cold or Warm This Season?
Posted December 10th, 2010 in general news and helpful information
On the way to fun in the Florida sun? Or something a little cooler?
Photo by: Laura Leavell (Stock Exchange)
Howdy, all!
With the holiday season upon us, I thought we would visit some destinations with the question: are you going cold or warm? While many people go north for the holidays, almost as many venture south to Florida and the Bahamas.
With about half the U.S. in the grip of a major cold front, even southern climes are seeing temperatures in the 30s and 40s; but although the nights are cool, days are still warm and there’s a lot to recommend the south this year.
Without further ado , let’s focus in on two destinations for disabled travelers and your travel companions: one warm, one not so much. [more]
Dealing With “Enhanced Screening” for Handicapped Travelers
Posted December 3rd, 2010 in airlines, general news and helpful information
Getting through security just got tougher – but it’s a breeze with Disabled Travelers
Photo by: Gary Tamin (Stock Exchange)
Good evening, all!
Now that Thanksgiving has rolled on by and the leftover turkey sandwiches are just about done for, many of us are turning toward Christmas and New Year travel.
Last time, we went over some general tips about traveling in this exhilarating, but exhausting time of year. In today’s visit, we’ll talk about how to get through this year’s “enhanced” airport security with a smile. [more]
Surviving the Holiday Rush: Some Advice From (and For) Disabled Travelers
Posted November 26th, 2010 in Accessible Travel, general news and helpful information
Flying the friendly skies this winter? It can be quick and easy!
Photo by: Innerparty (Stock Exchange)
Good morning, everybody! Welcome to Disabled Travelers, and welcome to one of the most hectic times to travel! Millions of people fly between Thanksgiving and New Year, to spend time with the family or make the pilgrimage to Times Square. Plenty of folks will also be going abroad to see extended family in other countries. It’s an exhilarating, but challenging time, so here are some tips to help you take it easy! [more]
November News Round-Up and More on the “New” Disabled Travelers
Posted November 19th, 2010 in general news, helpful information and personal
New York City could soon be more accessible than ever ... and YOU can help!
Photo by: clemmesen (Stock Exchange)
Howdy, all! On today’s Disabled Travelers blog we’re going to take a look at some of the news items about disabled travel that popped up while I was on hiatus. After that, I’d like to share some information about my recent travels and close by asking YOU, the viewer, to help me decide what to cover next in the blog. After all, the holidays are coming and some of the busiest travel times are right around the corner. How can I help you make the most of your trip? We’ll talk about this and much more in today’s edition. [more]
The Great Disabled Travelers Finale: Some Final Words From Si
Posted August 31st, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel, general news, helpful information and personalHowdy, all! It’s been great sharing travel tips with you and whipping up access guides for your exotic travel destinations.
I do hope you’ve found Disabled Travelers useful, and that you’ll keep rolling wherever your urge to travel takes you!
Sadly, this will be my final post on our blog, so I thought I would take the time to share a couple of personal memories about my favorite travel destinations.
Naturally, I’ll include some accessibility information so you can join in! [more]