DisabledTravelers.com Travel Blog
Interesting information, reviews, and pictures in the world of accessible travel…Disabled Travelers’ May News Round-Up!
Posted May 20th, 2011 in general news and helpful information
London could be the hot new place for accessible travel in 2012 ...
Photo by: cstoves (Stock Exchange)
Hello, hello, hello! It’s mid-May and that means it’s time for the news round-up!
Every month, I search high and low, far and wide for the absolute latest in news about disabled travel, barrier-free access, and everything that has to do with leading a full and fantastic life for disabled travelers (and their travel companions, naturally.)
There’s a lot going on this month, so let’s get to it.
Come aboard and follow me, it’s time for news! [more]
More Good News for Paraplegic Travelers: New “eLEGS” Validates Predictions
Posted April 29th, 2011 in general news and helpful informationGood morning, everybody!
As I put the finishing touches on my Argentina access guide for next week, I just wanted to share an article from Time Magazine that means more good news for paraplegic travelers. Not so long ago, I posted about the ReWalk, a backpack-style hookup and prosthetic attachment that restores the ability to walk to some patients with lower body paralysis.
Now, there were some caveats about the ReWalk: at the time of that post, it was approved for institutional use only, and it was very, very expensive. Despite my hopes, I’ve not yet heard of any facility making a ReWalk available for travel purposes.
But then I found out about this … [more]
A Disabled Travelers “Quickie” – Best Places to Retire?
Posted April 22nd, 2011 in access guides, Accessible Travel and general newsHowdy, all! As you know, every once in a while Disabled Travelers gets inspired by something from everyday life. Some of our best access guides have been kicked off by a news item, a viewer request, or even a picture. This time, it’s all of the above. I’d like to take a moment to point out a story that recently appeared on CNBC, and in the doing, we’ll talk about what’s next for Disabled Travelers over the coming weeks. Sound good? Join me for a quick tour of the “Best Places to Retire,” won’t you? [more]
Disabled Travelers Blind and Low-Vision Travel, Part 2
Posted April 15th, 2011 in Accessible Travel, general news and helpful informationWelcome back to Disabled Travelers!
As promised, today’s visit will continue our brand new series for visually impaired travelers and their travel companions.
There are plenty of resources out there for travelers who have low or no vision; we got a good start last time around.
Now we’ll introduce tour operators, blogs, service providers and more who are all ready and waiting to help you make your next vacation a memorable one. [more]
Disabled Travelers Spring Break Edition 2011
Posted April 1st, 2011 in access guides, general news, helpful information, hotel reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsWelcome one and all to Disabled Travelers, where today we’ll be looking at accessible Spring Break destinations and getaways for wheelchair users and their travel companions.
There’s been an explosion of affordable, accessible rental homes for your vacation needs since Disabled Travelers first came around, and if you’re looking for a week off — like those lucky college students are enjoying right about now — you’ve come to the right place.
Let’s get rolling, folks! [more]
From the Disabled Travelers Mailbag: Wheelchair Accessible Golf
Posted March 25th, 2011 in general news, reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsFore! Howdy all, and welcome to Disabled Travelers! In today’s blog, DT dips into the mailbag to answer another scintillating viewer question. I actually have a friend to thank for this one, an avid golfer who suggested we take a look at accessibility on the green. So, today’s Disabled Travelers trip is one to the fairway. Wheelchair golfers rejoice, as there’s much in the way of good news while we look at the venerable sport and art of golf – barrier-free, no less! – here in the United States. [more]
Howdy, all! Hope today’s Disabled Travelers blog finds you well and raring to go. After our amazing five-part China access guide, it’s time once again to turn to the latest news in accessible travel. That means I’ve been scouring newspapers, press releases, and sites from around the globe to get you the latest. It’s a bit of a slow news month, but there’s always something to find in the wide world of travel! Here’s what I have to report … [more]
Hello, everybody! It’s February, and that means another Disabled Travelers news round-up!
Once a month, I scour the wire for everything new under the sun that has to do with disabled travel: good, bad, indifferent, and “huh?”
It’s that time again and there’s a lot to report, so let’s get down to it and get rolling. [more]
Disabled Travelers News Flash: Could the “ReWalk” Be a Game-Changer?
Posted January 28th, 2011 in general news
The Dead Sea, from the land that inspired the latest “hi-tech” disability innovation
Photo by: Paul Segal (Stock Exchange)
Hello, all! Today’s Disabled Travelers blog post is a special one: I’m excited about a piece I saw on the news and I’d like to make everybody here aware of it. Though Disabled Travelers caters to the whole handicapped travel community, it’s no surprise much of what we talk about helps folks with mobility problems: about 25 million people in the U.S. suffer from mobility issues, which can be caused by a variety of injuries, chronic illnesses, and changes associated with age. Of those, over a million use a wheelchair!
Well, I came across something that just might be good news for many of those folks … [more]
Hello, everybody! I hope you had a most wonderful first week of the New Year! I kicked it off in the warm weather of Tampa, Florida; a huge change from my journey to Times Square last time around!
And now, to celebrate 2011 and all its great promise, I thought I would bring back a fun feature from the Disabled Travelers archives: the monthly News Round-Up!
And remember, if YOU’VE got news to share, you can always post me a comment or send me an email at [email protected]! Here we go … [more]