DisabledTravelers.com Travel Blog
Interesting information, reviews, and pictures in the world of accessible travel…Disabled Travelers’ Last Call for Holiday Travel Tips!
Posted December 16th, 2011 in Accessible Travel, airlines and general newsWelcome back to Disabled Travelers!
As you know, we update every Friday, so our next time seeing you will be on the 23rd — “Christmas Eve eve!”
It’ll be a little late to make travel plans by then, and even folks who are getting ready to go visiting for New Years will be cutting it pretty close.
So here are a few last thoughts, ideas, and tips before you head out to whatever wonders the holidays have in store.
Cheers! [more]
Disabled Travelers Holiday Travel Tips 2011
Posted November 18th, 2011 in Accessible Travel, airlines and helpful informationHello, fellow disabled travelers, and welcome back to the blog that’s all for you!
In today’s visit, we’re going to review some of the highlights of the wild winter weather series from way back in December, 2010.
If you’ll recall, many places throughout the United States were breaking records with incredible lows, unexpected flurries, and storms that seemed to go on and on.
Things sure look better now, right?
Well, there are still a lot of good tips for disabled travelers and their traveling companions from back in the archive.
So let’s take them out of “cold storage” and do a little review! [more]
A Disabled Travelers News Update: New Accessibility Regulations Push Forward
Posted October 28th, 2011 in airlines and general newsA few weeks ago, the Disabled Travelers blog reported on an important new initiative from the U.S. Department of Transportation that will extend valuable accessibility features throughout airport terminals and on airline websites.
In that post, I mentioned that it’s critical Disabled Travelers fans participate in the federal government’s public comments on the measure, which are still ongoing.
This is so important to me that I’ve been keeping up with it, and there’s been some movement — so I’d like to take this time to inform disabled travelers and their travel companions about the progress.
Great News for Air Travelers: There’s a Movement for Disabled Access
Posted October 7th, 2011 in airlines, general news and helpful informationWelcome to Disabled Travelers, and here’s hoping fall has reached your home, wherever it may be!
This is Si, and I’m back with another blog post: this week, we’re delving into news from the airline industry.
This is often a mixed bag, but there’s some great changes on the horizon: an international movement is building up to make airports more accessible, airlines more responsive, and the websites for both a lot easier for disabled visitors to navigate.
This is a natural next step after the big push for a Passenger Bill of Rights!
There have been a lot of encouraging developments lately, so let’s take a peek.
From the Mailbag: Disabled Access in Daytona Beach, Florida
Posted September 30th, 2011 in access guides, Accessible Travel, airlines, hotel reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsHello and welcome to all our friends out there on the internet, and new wanderers who might be visiting us from Google!
Today’s Disabled Travelers blog will see us jet off to Florida’s “Fun Coast” for one of the biggest tourist draws outside Disney: Daytona Beach.
As many of you already know, I myself am a life-long resident of Florida, and lately I’ve been eyeing the Daytona area as my next home base.
Well, there’s a lot of fun to be had in the Sunshine State, and I’ve covered a lot of it in previous posts; but Daytona is completely new to me, so let’s see what we can find up there! [more]
Dealing With “Enhanced Screening” for Handicapped Travelers
Posted December 3rd, 2010 in airlines, general news and helpful information
Getting through security just got tougher – but it’s a breeze with Disabled Travelers
Photo by: Gary Tamin (Stock Exchange)
Good evening, all!
Now that Thanksgiving has rolled on by and the leftover turkey sandwiches are just about done for, many of us are turning toward Christmas and New Year travel.
Last time, we went over some general tips about traveling in this exhilarating, but exhausting time of year. In today’s visit, we’ll talk about how to get through this year’s “enhanced” airport security with a smile. [more]
Handicapped Travel Resources for “Any” Trip: New and Review
Posted August 19th, 2010 in access guides, accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, airlines, general news, helpful information, hotel reviews and service provider review
The Radcliffe Camera in Oxford, one of my favorite destinations
Photo by: Alan Rainbow (Stock Exchange)
Thanks again for visiting Disabled Travelers!
You know, over the past many months we’ve covered a lot of territory, and some of our favorite sites – the ones that are most useful for handicapped travelers around the world – haven’t gotten as much attention as they used to.
In this post, we’ll visit some old favorites and also some new entries in the world of accessible travel, and take a little refresher course on what they offer and where to find them.
Quite a few new pages have popped up, too!
Let’s look … [more]
Disabled Travelers Australia Series: Perth
Posted July 28th, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel, airlines, general news, helpful information, hotel reviews, restaurant reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsWe’re on an Australia marathon here at Disabled Travelers, and we’re coming ‘round the bend to the sun-soaked city of Perth, capital of Western Australia and fourth-largest city on the island, known for its brilliant beaches and lively nightlife, made even more lively by the steady stream of able-bodied and handicapped travelers who visit on a regular basis. Perth is a beautiful city, and a big part of our access guide countdown to hit all the major metro zones in the wacky and wonderful Land of Oz.
So far, local airports and airlines have been a little hit-or-miss with accessibility, and that’s a shame. Perth Airport is pretty terse about accessibility within the terminals, but you can get a wheelchair by calling ahead to the airline you’re flying with. Better news is provided by official outlets: the City of Perth website affirms its commitment to universal access in a glowing and detailed listing of accessibility features, including transit, parking, streets, and buildings. Ramps, tactile indicators and audible street signs are common throughout the city. For a more whimsical take on the city’s attractions and offerings, try Perth Tourist Centre Online. [more]
Disabled Travelers Australia Series: Sydney
Posted July 14th, 2010 in access guides, accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, airlines, helpful information, hotel reviews, restaurant reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsGood day, everybody!
Disabled Travelers’ Australia access guides are shaping up nicely, as we’ve hacked through the Outback and visited the capital, Canberra.
Now we have what’s arguably the most famous city in Australia in our sights: Sydney!
Home of the world-famous Sydney Opera House, now the most recently constructed UNESCO World Heritage Sites on Earth, situated in the city that’s easily the biggest tourist draw on the whole island. Without further ado, let’s explore! [more]
Handicapped Travel Resources for Summer Travel and Beyond
Posted June 14th, 2010 in Accessible Travel, airlines and helpful informationHowdy, folks! Here at Disabled Travelers, we’re gearing up for the big summer travel season. As I mentioned in previous posts, it’s off to Berlin and many other destinations. But before I go, I’ve rustled up some handicapped travel resources to help you out during this often hectic time of year. A high volume of both able-bodied and handicapped travelers jet off to enjoy the summer months abroad, but that’s no reason that getting where you’re going can’t be enjoyable and easy for all. [more]