DisabledTravelers.com Travel Blog
Interesting information, reviews, and pictures in the world of accessible travel…A Disabled Travelers “Quickie” – Best Places to Retire?
Posted April 22nd, 2011 in access guides, Accessible Travel and general newsHowdy, all! As you know, every once in a while Disabled Travelers gets inspired by something from everyday life. Some of our best access guides have been kicked off by a news item, a viewer request, or even a picture. This time, it’s all of the above. I’d like to take a moment to point out a story that recently appeared on CNBC, and in the doing, we’ll talk about what’s next for Disabled Travelers over the coming weeks. Sound good? Join me for a quick tour of the “Best Places to Retire,” won’t you? [more]
Disabled Travelers Blind and Low-Vision Travel, Part 2
Posted April 15th, 2011 in Accessible Travel, general news and helpful informationWelcome back to Disabled Travelers!
As promised, today’s visit will continue our brand new series for visually impaired travelers and their travel companions.
There are plenty of resources out there for travelers who have low or no vision; we got a good start last time around.
Now we’ll introduce tour operators, blogs, service providers and more who are all ready and waiting to help you make your next vacation a memorable one. [more]
Disabled Travelers Blind and Low-Vision Travel Special
Posted April 8th, 2011 in Accessible Travel and helpful informationHowdy, all! Today marks another milestone in Disabled Travelers history, as it’s our first-ever blind travel edition. Since I first started writing around here, the Disabled Travelers blog has become one of the top results for “deaf travel,” and I’ve gotten lots of wonderful letters from folks from every walk of life – so I hope that I’ll be able to help out just as much with our friends out there who have visual impairments. There sure is a lot to cover, so look for a continuation pretty soon! [more]
Disabled Travelers Visits China, Part I: Accessible Tour Operators
Posted February 11th, 2011 in Accessible TravelHowdy, all!
It’s time once again to take an exciting trip on the Disabled Travelers blog. This time, we’re returning to our destination-by-destination accessibility guides to take our first look at China!
I’ve been excited about this one, and pretty soon we’ll be moving on to Beijing and other major sites including the Great Wall.
But for now, let’s take a look at some of the top tour providers around the country. I can’t wait! [more]
Accessible Travel and Attractions in Munich, Including Oktoberfest!
Posted January 21st, 2011 in access guides and Accessible TravelWelcome back to Disabled Travelers!
This week’s post is inspired by a good friend of mine who loves good cars and a good lager, and wants to know all about Munich – the capital of the Bavaria, in southern Germany. It’s no surprise this is the heart of BMW, also known as Bavarian Motor Works.
Of course, Munich is also rated one of the top tourist and expatriate destinations in Germany – heck, the city recently adopted the motto “Munich Loves You!” Let’s find out if those words hold true … [more]
Accessibility in Top Tourist Destinations: Viva Las Vegas
Posted January 14th, 2011 in access guides, Accessible Travel, helpful information and Wheelchair Accessible Attractions
Disabled Travelers is back to take in the Vegas nightlife!
Photo by: Remington Phillips (Stock Exchange)
Hello, everybody!
Hot on the heels of my plan to take a trip to Las Vegas later this year, I thought it was about time we took a close look at Nevada’s “Sin City” for all kinds of travelers.
A good while back, I made a post specifically about accessible hotels in Las Vegas which is a good reference for accommodations.
There’s much more to say, so join me for this full-scale access guide – with follow-up to come in the future! Ante up! [more]
Surviving the Holiday Rush: Some Advice From (and For) Disabled Travelers
Posted November 26th, 2010 in Accessible Travel, general news and helpful information
Flying the friendly skies this winter? It can be quick and easy!
Photo by: Innerparty (Stock Exchange)
Good morning, everybody! Welcome to Disabled Travelers, and welcome to one of the most hectic times to travel! Millions of people fly between Thanksgiving and New Year, to spend time with the family or make the pilgrimage to Times Square. Plenty of folks will also be going abroad to see extended family in other countries. It’s an exhilarating, but challenging time, so here are some tips to help you take it easy! [more]
The Great Disabled Travelers Finale: Some Final Words From Si
Posted August 31st, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel, general news, helpful information and personalHowdy, all! It’s been great sharing travel tips with you and whipping up access guides for your exotic travel destinations.
I do hope you’ve found Disabled Travelers useful, and that you’ll keep rolling wherever your urge to travel takes you!
Sadly, this will be my final post on our blog, so I thought I would take the time to share a couple of personal memories about my favorite travel destinations.
Naturally, I’ll include some accessibility information so you can join in! [more]
Handicapped Travel Resources for “Any” Trip: New and Review
Posted August 19th, 2010 in access guides, accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, airlines, general news, helpful information, hotel reviews and service provider review
The Radcliffe Camera in Oxford, one of my favorite destinations
Photo by: Alan Rainbow (Stock Exchange)
Thanks again for visiting Disabled Travelers!
You know, over the past many months we’ve covered a lot of territory, and some of our favorite sites – the ones that are most useful for handicapped travelers around the world – haven’t gotten as much attention as they used to.
In this post, we’ll visit some old favorites and also some new entries in the world of accessible travel, and take a little refresher course on what they offer and where to find them.
Quite a few new pages have popped up, too!
Let’s look … [more]
Disabled Travelers Deaf Travel Series: August Edition
Posted August 17th, 2010 in Accessible Travel, general news and helpful informationWelcome one and all to our August edition of Disabled Travelers for the Deaf.
Today, more great tour operators, news, articles, information, and handicapped travel resources just for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.
I’m excited to get right down to it, so let’s dig in! And, as always, if there’s something I missed or you have a story to share, don’t be shy!
Drop me a line and let me know what you’re thinking! For now, onward … [more]