DisabledTravelers.com Travel Blog
Interesting information, reviews, and pictures in the world of accessible travel…October 2011 Disabled Travel News, Part 2: More on Travel for the Deaf and Visually Impaired
Posted October 21st, 2011 in accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, general news and helpful informationWelcome one and all to the Disabled Travelers blog!
Last week we unveiled some exciting news when it became known Disabled Travelers was mentioned on no less a web destination than the travel section of The Today Show.
Today, we’re continuing our news coverage for the month with some new information and resources on travel for those with visual and hearing impairments.
We have some brand new resources, fresh off the internet and straight to your door – so let’s chat about them.
Disabled Travelers’ Best Forums to Get Travel Advice
Posted September 23rd, 2011 in access guides, accessible crusies and Accessible TravelHowdy, travelers!
Last week on the Disabled Travelers blog, we talked about some good guidelines for getting the very best travel views and information when you check out an internet forum.
Now, we’ll be looking at some of the best discussion boards for disabled travelers to visit for all your travel needs.
There are great travel communities all around the Web, of course, but these stand out as credible, friendly, and super-valuable for the kind of meticulous trip planning so many disabled travelers are experts in.
Have a favorite forum not listed here? Leave me a comment and let us know about it! [more]
Thank You to Our Readers! Disabled Travelers is #1 On Google
Posted August 19th, 2011 in access guides, accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, general news and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsHello and welcome to Disabled Travelers!
Today I’d like to take time out to extend a special thanks to those of you who’ve been with us a time.
Our loyal Disabled Travelers readers and their traveling companions have helped us reach a splendid milestone: Our parent site, disabledtravelers.com, is #1 on Google for disability travel searches!
This is a great honor, to be sure, and it has all come about thanks to your patronage.
So, what else is near the top of the list?
Today, we’ll review some of the best disabled travel sites … both the new, and old favorites that have shown up in our access guides over the months. [more]
Last Call from Chicago! Fresh Accessibility Notes from the Windy City
Posted July 29th, 2011 in access guides, accessible crusies, Accessible Travel and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsWelcome home to the Disabled Travelers blog!
Chicago is one of the most popular destinations for disabled travelers and their travel companions, and posts about it have always been some of the most popular.
Now that I’ve spent some time taking in the sights, I think it’s a great time to give my impressions on accessible attractions and other amenities in the Windy City.
Here’s a quick summation of my trip and my thoughts. [more]
Accessible Cruises Series: An Index of At-A-Glance Info
Posted August 25th, 2010 in accessible crusiesHello, everybody! Today’s Disabled Travelers blog is dedicated, once again, to accessible cruises; it’s been a tough nut to crack, but I’m finding new ways to make it easier to choose your cruise line.
Last time, we shared some new handicapped travel resources for ocean voyages, including a great new website with lots of articles.
Now, I’m going to put the accessibility information for major cruise lines “at your fingertips” by rustling up each company’s hub for disabled travel info, and giving an overview. [more]
A Disabled Travelers “Quickie”: The Latest on Accessible Cruises
Posted August 23rd, 2010 in accessible crusiesHi, all! As you’ve definitely noticed around here, Disabled Travelers hasn’t touched on the subject of accessible cruises very much.
And in all honesty, good information on the topic still seems to be pretty scarce!
However, since it’s been quite a while I thought I’d offer what I’ve been able to put together since our last go-around, many moons ago.
There are some new resources and a couple of tips I want to emphasize so handicapped travelers will get to enjoy voyages at sea just like everybody else! It’s not to be missed … [more]
Handicapped Travel Resources for “Any” Trip: New and Review
Posted August 19th, 2010 in access guides, accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, airlines, general news, helpful information, hotel reviews and service provider review
The Radcliffe Camera in Oxford, one of my favorite destinations
Photo by: Alan Rainbow (Stock Exchange)
Thanks again for visiting Disabled Travelers!
You know, over the past many months we’ve covered a lot of territory, and some of our favorite sites – the ones that are most useful for handicapped travelers around the world – haven’t gotten as much attention as they used to.
In this post, we’ll visit some old favorites and also some new entries in the world of accessible travel, and take a little refresher course on what they offer and where to find them.
Quite a few new pages have popped up, too!
Let’s look … [more]
Disabled Travelers Australia Series: Melbourne
Posted July 26th, 2010 in access guides, accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, helpful information, hotel reviews, restaurant reviews and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsAre you ready for even more of the Disabled Access Australia series?
Today, we’re hitting the bush trail once again to visit Melbourne, the second most populous city, on the bay of Port Phillip.
A major cultural hub, home to the Australian film industry, television, and avant garde art, it’s an eminently livable place and a great base for your visit to the Land Down under.
But how does it rate for accessibility? Well, we’re about to find out! [more]
Handicapped Travel Resources for the Deaf: July Edition, Part II!
Posted July 22nd, 2010 in accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, general news and helpful informationWelcome everyone to Disabled Travelers, where we’ve decided to push the envelope and provide just a little more especially for deaf travel this month.
Finding accessible hotels, attractions, and tour operators when you’re hard of hearing isn’t easy, but things are getting better – and if we do our part to make it easier, then I’d consider it a job well done!
We have a few more points of interest to share today, and then it’s back to the Land Down Under to finish up our Australia access guides. Right now, I am excited to present July’s deaf travel resources … the sequel! [more]
Handicapped Travel Resources for the Deaf: July Edition
Posted July 20th, 2010 in accessible crusies, Accessible Travel, general news and helpful informationGood day, all, and welcome!
It’s time for July’s Disabled Travelers deaf travel update … and just as I predicted, there’s more and more going on in the deaf travel world every month!
Granted, I haven’t found what I would call “access guides” for the globetrotter with hearing loss, but I’m kicking up my search a notch and hope to report back with more findings very soon.
There’s so much to share lately, you might see a deaf travel doubleheader from me this month! [more]