DisabledTravelers.com Travel Blog
Interesting information, reviews, and pictures in the world of accessible travel…Accessible Travel in Italy, Part 1: Wheelchair Accessible Rome
Posted February 5th, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel, general news and helpful informationHello, all! After Disabled Travelers’ recent adventures throughout Africa and in Egypt, we’re heading to a whole new locale today: Rome. This city, with its ancient monuments dating back thousands of years, its amazing churches, and its spectacular food is visited by four million people – and a good many of them are handicapped travelers with special needs. We’ll be exploring wheelchair accessible Rome today, and in the future we’ll wander through the countryside and see what there is to see in Florence and other major destinations. [more]
Disabled Access Egypt: Disabled Travel Reports and More for Cairo and the Nile
Posted February 3rd, 2010 in access guides and helpful information
Good day, all! As promised, I’ll be covering Egypt in today’s installment of the Disabled Travelers blog. This has been a topic in great demand recently, and I knew I had to do it as soon as I saw this travelogue set in several Egyptian cities which depicts not only great accessibility in Cairo, Luxor and elsewhere, but also documents handicapped travelers – both wheeled and not – doing some great scuba diving at one of the world’s most sought-after locations for just that. So before I get carried away, let’s head out to the desert and see what else we can find! [more]
Disabled Access Africa: Great Tips and Tour Operators All in One Place
Posted January 29th, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel, helpful information and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsHello, everyone!
Today on Disabled Travelers we’ll tackle a question that seems to be on the minds of lots and lots of readers: handicapped travel in Africa. Now, I’ve mentioned Africa here and there in some of my earlier posts on adventure travel, but I really had no idea just how many of you were looking to take this trip. For travel that’s “a world away” I can’t think of anything more challenging than this – and that’s great! The greatest challenges lead to the greatest rewards, and I know our readers don’t shy away from either! [more]
Disabled Access: Chicago
Posted January 26th, 2010 in access guides, Accessible Travel, general news, helpful information and Wheelchair Accessible Attractions
Howdy, all – welcome back to our blog here at Disabled Travelers.
Giving the ol’ grab bag another look, I’ve come on a recently popular topic in disabled access: Chicago! So let’s head down to the Windy City and see what kind of access guides we can cook up. I’m guessing there’ll be plenty of accessible travel options here, and hopefully the capital of Illinois, a city whose motto is “Make Big Plans”, won’t let us down. Hey, did you know that Chicago is known by so many different names, even that famous Internet encyclopedia has a page on them? Intriguing stuff … let’s check it out! [more]
Accessible Ecotourism Guides and Articles
Posted January 15th, 2010 in access guides, Bus Accessible Travel, Charter Accessible Travel, general news, helpful information and hotel reviews
Howdy, all! Welcome back to the Disabled Travelers blog.
We’ve been to a lot of different places since I joined the team here a few months – we’ve seen some of the best in wheelchair travel where it’s hot, cold, high, dry, and wet. We’ve pushed the boundaries and gone a long way, and now I’d like to cover a topic that’s near and dear to me, accessible ecotourism. Ecotourism usually means getting in touch with nature, but it can also involve volunteering and really becoming aware of the community while you’re there. This kind of experience has long been the preserve of young folk, and handicapped travel is starting to embrace the opportunities, too. Let’s have a look … [more]
Staying Out of the Cold: A Special Feature on Disabled Travel Where It’s Warm!
Posted January 12th, 2010 in access guides, helpful information and hotel reviewsWow! It sure is cold for this edition of the Disabled Travelers blog, even here in Florida, where some forecasts are suggesting snow in the Bay Area before it’s all over. So what’s the next stop for handicapped travelers who want to stay out of the snow? For today, let’s start with a smattering of wheelchair accessible destinations where you can stay warm and toasty. We’ll zoom in on a few of them in much greater detail as our disability travel adventures continue in future posts.
Accessible Travel in Israel, Part 3: Tel Aviv
Posted January 4th, 2010 in access guides, helpful information and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsHappy New Year from Disabled Travelers!
Today we’ll be finishing up a great run through Israel, a destination that combines the best of the west and the Middle East. We’ve touched on wheelchair travel throughout the country, disabled organizations, and accessible attractions in Jerusalem. Now we’ll finish up by looking at great places to visit in Tel Aviv, the hub of modern Israel. Unlike many towns and villages in the countryside that date back hundreds or thousands of years, Tel Aviv was founded in 1909 and has a distinctly modern feel, perched on Israel’s beautiful Mediterranean coast. [more]
Accessible Travel in Israel, Part 2: Jerusalem
Posted December 31st, 2009 in access guides, general news, helpful information and Wheelchair Accessible AttractionsHappy almost New Year! In our last visit together, we learned all about disability access in Israel, and had a whirlwind tour of some of the accessible travel options around the country. This time we’ll be zooming in and talking specifically about wheelchair accessible attractions, mainly in Jerusalem, one of the world’s holiest sites. Let’s go explore … [more]
Accessible Travel in Israel, Part I: Getting There and Getting Around
Posted December 29th, 2009 in access guides, airlines, general news and helpful information
Happy holidays all!
With Christmas and Hanukkah just behind us now, I was thinking about where to go next year – hey, I’m not here writing a travel blog for nothing! – and I thought “what better feature than a piece on Jerusalem?” Even in these difficult times, millions of people visit Jerusalem every year, including Christians, Jews, and Muslims who consider the ancient city’s many religious sites to be sacred. I was curious to see what kind of accessible travel options and accessible hotels could be found for handicapped travelers hoping to make that journey, so here we go! [more]
South of the Border, Part 1: First Look at Disabled Travel in Urban Mexico
Posted December 22nd, 2009 in access guides, airlines, general news and helpful information

Veracruz, Mexico
Photo by: Ariel Ruiz
Howdy, all! I’ve been getting a lot of questions lately about Mexico through the Disabled Travelers blog, so I thought we’d take a trip south of the border today and look at the best in disabled travel in Mexico. Wheelchair travel can be a bit difficult in rural Mexico, especially when you consider that some of the biggest tourist draws are the ancient ruins of pre-Columbian civilizations dating back thousands of years! However, handicapped travelers can still make the best of great opportunities to enjoy the landscape and culture of the region, which has influenced the U.S. so much. [more]