DisabledTravelers.com Travel Blog
Interesting information, reviews, and pictures in the world of accessible travel…Disabled Travelers Holidays: Are You Going Cold or Warm This Season?
Posted December 10th, 2010 in general news and helpful information
On the way to fun in the Florida sun? Or something a little cooler?
Photo by: Laura Leavell (Stock Exchange)
Howdy, all!
With the holiday season upon us, I thought we would visit some destinations with the question: are you going cold or warm? While many people go north for the holidays, almost as many venture south to Florida and the Bahamas.
With about half the U.S. in the grip of a major cold front, even southern climes are seeing temperatures in the 30s and 40s; but although the nights are cool, days are still warm and there’s a lot to recommend the south this year.
Without further ado , let’s focus in on two destinations for disabled travelers and your travel companions: one warm, one not so much. [more]