The City of Lights, Part 4: Accessible Eateries All Over Paris
Posted May 27th, 2010 in access guides and restaurant reviews
The Champs Elysees, where many of Paris’ fine restaurants are found
Photo by: Jan Willem Stad (Stock Exchange)
Bonjour! We’ve passed the halfway mark in our Disabled Travelers tour of Paris, and today we spring ahead on the fourth stage of our trip. Our Paris access guides are about to turn tasty, as we look high and low for the best in local cuisine. You haven’t really visited Paris until you’ve sampled some of the finest French food, and we’re about to do it, with an eye toward both the most delicious and the most accessible places Paris has to offer. Without further adieu, it’s time to dig in!
Handicapped travelers should take some comfort in the fact that Paris’ famous street-side cafes are, by their very nature, pretty much accessible. Though there is usually “restaurant-style” seating indoors, many of these places have just as many tables outside, which do not tend to be very high. Some of the best food in Paris is found in these cafes, and trying at least one is a must. But, of course, there are many other options.
10 Top Paris Restaurants is a list providing a glimpse of what Paris’ true gourmands are up to. From wine bars to sophisticated brasseries and bistros, there’s something to represent every part of the French culinary spirit. The listing includes several venues with wheelchair access, though it doesn’t specify the extent of handicapped accommodations. Locations, web addresses, and average meal price are provided.
Alcazar is a French contemporary restaurant, described by glowing reviews as “bright, buzzing, and wonderfully stylish.” Famous for its roast shoulder of lamb, it’s also appreciated for its wheelchair accessible dining environment, which includes appropriate restroom facilities. Incidentally, Top Table is a good source for professional and amateur restaurant information, and covers Paris, London, Madrid, New York, and a whole smorgasbord of other wonderful places to visit. At the top of the “hot list”? Le Roosevelt, Paris; but sorry, folks, no word on whether this Champs-Elysees hotspot is accessible or non.
Cafe Medicis is located at the Gardens of Luxembourg, part of the Musée du Luxembourg that houses contemporary art exhibits. Cafe Medicis has appeared in printed guides to accessibility in the city, and also offers catering services. Despite being a “museum cafe”, reservations are available and the cuisine is top notch, very worthy of Paris
From David Lebovitz, a bevy of useful resources for exploring and finding excellent eats that are also accessible. His Accessible Travel Tips for Paris page covers a variety of topics and discloses a couple hot hints from the insider. He recommends Rue Montorgueil as an area that’s both welcoming to handicapped travelers and packed with opportunities for “foodies.” For what it’s worth, he’s also compiled a collection of favorite Paris dining and travel guides, though at a glance, none of these seem to be focused on disabled travelers specifically.
Now our exploration of Paris is nearly at an end, but don’t despair: we’ve still got plenty of, let’s say, “miscellaneous” resources to share. That’s for next visit, though, as all this talk about food has made me hungry. Don’t forget to tune in for the next blog right here at Disabled Travelers. ’til then, adventure — and eat — on!